Love. Community. Service.

Join us in person for Worship Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

Click here for live stream.

Join us in person for Worship Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Click here for live stream.

All Are Welcome Here

because God’s promises are for everyone

Coming in September & October

September 1 - Brown Bag Lunch after Fellowship

September 5 - (7:30 p.m.) Choir rehearsals begin!

September 8 - Resume regular worship schedule - service is at 10:00 a.m.

September 12 - (5:30 p.m.) Joyful Sign rehearsal

September 18 - (2:00 p.m.) Women’s Bible Study resumes!

September 22 - Potluck Brunch to follow worship

September 28 - Steeple Coffee House Kickoff

September 29 - Sacred Conversations in Beard Lounge after worship

October 6 - Church in the World Sunday: brief service followed by mission activities!

Spotlight: UCF Outreach at Isaiah’s Table

Members of the United Church community prepared and served breakfast for Isaiah’s Table on August 17, 2024. Linda R., Penny A. and Kevin S. were very ably assisted by Penny’s grandkids Harrison, Liam, and Felicity.

Hanna R. and Kevin cooked food at home and brought it to Isaiah's Table, where the UCF crew prepared breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese). Penny's homemade muffins, bananas, orange juice and coffee made for a filling breakfast. Isaiah’s Table handed out socks with the meals! There was a good turnout and the recipients were genuinely grateful and in good spirits.

We experience great joy in creating a loving community as Christ admonished us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:31)

The next visit to Isaiah's Table is November 9, 2024. Please contact Kevin at if you are interested in preparing or serving meals at Isaiah's Table.

Spotlight: Sacred Conversations

As we continue through this time of transition, we are seeking feedback and input from the UCF community on the path forward. We are holding Sacred Conversations over the summer months. To inquire about the next planned Sacred Conversation, either email the office or look for the clipboard outside the sanctuary.

To fill out the survey, rather than attend a small group, please pick up a printed copy and return it to the office or fill it out online at:

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    We would be honored to share your faith journey. How might we be your spiritual home?

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    Serving God’s children at a distance, our homebound members, and a new generation.

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    God has blessed us so that we may bless others. Our greatest joy is the work we do in mission and in service to others.