Outreach and Mission Ministries

Called to Serve

God calls us to remember that we have been blessed in order to be a blessing to others; to demonstrate hospitality to the poor, the hungry, the displaced and the stranger; and to work for justice and peace.

At UCF, we seek to engage people of all ages and abilities. Everyone is encouraged to participate in ways consistent with their passions and gifts, building on the strength of the whole to share God’s love.

Brown Memorial United Methodist Church

Brown Memorial UMC, on Davis Street in Syracuse, is a diverse and growing urban congregation on the West Side that serves its community a dinner on Sunday nights and provides a short worship service.  

Three to four times a year, UCF members prepare a complete meal on Saturday in our kitchen, while other congregants make individually-wrapped desserts. A UCF team delivers and serves this meal on Sunday afternoon to the Brown Memorial community. 

For more information, go to:  https://brownmemorialumc.com/

Fayetteville-Manlius Food Pantry

For over 20 years, UCF has been a partner of the F-M Food Pantry, which serves 60-70 families - or nearly 300 of our neighbors - in the F-M area. UCF collects and delivers needed pantry items monthly and holds special “White Christmas” donations in December for paper products and other items not covered by SNAP funds. We regularly donate special offerings generated from fundraisers and the Steeple Coffee House, and members have worked in the pantry painting, organizing, and completing many repair projects. 

The Samaritan Center

For over 40 years, the Samaritan Center has served the hungry in Syracuse.  UCF participates in this interfaith effort of community members three times per year by helping to make food and serve it at the Center. We have also made sandwiches in large quantities and are part of the 1,000 volunteers who serve hot meals 365 days of the year! 


Ten years ago, UCF took the pledge to Keep America Beautiful by adopting a two-mile stretch of highway in Fayetteville and keeping it free of litter.

Four times a year, UCF volunteers don their orange vests and walk the route, filling large bags with refuse. 

Isaiah’s Table

Isaiah’s Table is a faith community that meets each Saturday morning for breakfast at 9:30 a.m. and then worships at 10:00 a.m. Since its inception, UCF has been serving breakfasts and worshipping with folks four times a year. Members prepare breakfast items at UCF and deliver it to Isaiah’s Table to support this ministry on the West Side of Syracuse. 

Steeple Coffee House

For over 15 years, from September through May, church volunteers have scheduled Syracuse Music (“Sammy”) Award recipients to perform in UCF’s Fellowship Hall twice per month. These local musicians and groups perform originals and covers with styles ranging from indie to bluegrass to contemporary folk and jazz. Coffee and homemade desserts are provided by UCF congregants and friends. These events support both local professional musicians and UCF’s mission efforts. 

Haiti Education Mission

We strive to develop opportunities to engage our neighbors, near and far, and serve with them, allowing us to build relationships, and celebrating that all people are gifted and all people are both servant and served. Our commitment to education extends to our partnership in Paulette, Haiti.