Embarking On Your Membership Journey

Walking the Path Together

Welcome to our vibrant community! We are delighted you are considering deepening ties with the United Church of Fayetteville. As you navigate this process, remember that this page is a compass, not a clock. Given our diverse and deep-rooted ecumenical heritage, we cherish and respect the diversity and pace of every individual’s spiritual path, both leading up to and beyond becoming a member.

Step into the Inquirer’s Classes

Interested in becoming a member of UCF? Begin here, with our inquirer’s classes!

  • Inquirer’s Classes are held sporadically throughout the year; their timing shaped by the enthusiasm and schedules of inquiring souls like you.

  • The class is usually a comprehensive session lasting 2 to 2.5 hours, steered by our pastor. If the group is sizable, expect some friendly faces from our church membership committee to assist.

  • The Inquirer’s Class is a beautiful opportunity to learn about - and from - each other.

    • Discover where our congregation stands amidst the vast spectrum of Christian traditions.

    • Explore the historical tapestry of the United Church and gain insights into its evolution and governance.

    • Engage in enlightening discussions about the privileges and commitments that come with membership.

    • Share more about yourself and your faith journey.

Joining Our Congregation

Step 1

Personal Guide

To ensure you settle in comfortably, our Membership Committee assigns a friendly “sponsor” who will introduce you to other members, keep you informed, and support you.

Step 2

Tell Us About Yourself

We'd love to get to know you better! You will provide us with some basic details and let us know about your talents and interests, if comfortable sharing.

Step 3

Celebrating Your Entry

We earmark a special Sunday to warmly welcome all our new members during a public worship session. You'll receive a copy of the service in advance, courtesy of our pastor.

Still Have Questions?

Reach out to our Pastor

Curious about life at UCF? Our door is always open. Feel free to discuss your aspirations, doubts, or simply get a sense of our community's spirit.