Get Involved

The United Church of Fayetteville has myriad opportunities for you to get involved with mission, service and community.

  • Congregational Life

    UCF is a vibrant community that welcomes each individual into the body of Christ. Come and see for yourself!

  • Outreach/Mission

    At UCF, everyone is encouraged to participate in ways consistent with their passions and gifts, building on the strength of the whole to share God’s love.

  • Music

    UCF has a fun and welcoming music program, including singing, handbell, and signing choirs. Come make joyful music with us!

  • Membership

    Faith is an individual journey for each of us. We invite you to walk your path with UCF.

  • K-12 Ministries

    Activity kits are available for children at each entrance to the sanctuary. We hold monthly special events for young people that run concurrently with worship.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    UCF provides numerous volunteer opportunities through our various ongoing missions and special seasonal opportunities.

  • Adult Education

    Adult education opportunities include a weekly Women’s Bible Study, weekly independent guided study, and special classes.