Meet the UCF Staff

Rev. Beth DuBois

Transitional Pastor

The Rev. Beth DuBois began her service as our Intentional Interim pastor on February 1, 2024. Rev. DuBois has served as an ordained pastor in the PCUSA for 34 years. Prior to being called to UCF, she was a Pastoral Associate with University United Methodist Church. She focused on work with the Interfaith Community Co-Op @324, one of the largest emergency food distribution sites in Syracuse, and supported a congregational assessment, adult education, and regular pastoral responsibilities. She served as the pastor of South Valley Presbyterian Church for 25 years and has a broad range of ecumenical and interfaith experience in the Syracuse area.  This includes working with L’Arche Syracuse, Atonement Lutheran Church, Plymouth Congregational Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, the Spiritual Renewal Center, Interfaith Works, the Poor People’s Campaign, the Syracuse Peace Council/Peace Action and Alliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse (ACTS). Rev. DuBois is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall University and received her Master of Divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary.

Rev. DuBois’ partner, the Rev. Dr. Kathleen Waters, is an honorably retired PCUSA pastor who previously served as an Interim Pastor for UCF. They have two adopted adult daughters, Katya and Ana, a grandson in elementary school, Austin, and their puppy, Sam.

Rev. Du Bois will support the UCF congregation in identifying its mission and purpose as the body of Christ during this time of transition and into the future.

Jonathan Bergman

Director of Music Ministries

Jonathan (Jon) Bergman is a musician and engineer from the Southern Tier of New York. Jon grew up in Horseheads, N.Y., and graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2016. While in college, he served as the Music Director of Christ Church United Methodist in downtown Troy. After graduation, Jon moved to Syracuse to start an engineering career and played the organ at Meridian Baptist Church. He then moved to the Capital Saratoga Region for 3 years, working various engineering jobs and serving as the Music Director for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Scotia, N.Y. In mid-2021, Jon moved back to Central New York and is currently an energy project manager for Stark Technology Group, providing energy analysis work for schools, hospitals, and other commercial buildings around New York State.

Outside of work and music, Jon enjoys outdoor activities and is an avid hiker, cyclist, and mountain biker. He also enjoys working with technology, building computers and other electronics, including a virtual organ in the summer of 2020.

Mary Karen Stark

Office Manager

Mary Karen Stark was born and raised in Buffalo, N.Y., where she earned her mortuary science degree and became a licensed funeral director. She attended Canisius College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Mary Karen moved to Syracuse, where she and her husband raised three children. She also worked as a licensed stockbroker at Tuttle Securities and as a Senior Analyst at National Grid. She enjoys going out to lunch with friends and is an enthusiastic Buffalo Bills fan!