All are welcome in God’s house

Sunday Worship

We gather to worship at 10:00 a.m. for most of the year and at 9:30 a.m. in the summer months. Children are always welcome; activity kits are available at both entrances to the sanctuary. Newcomers are invited to join us in fellowship after the service. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month and His table is open to all who seek communion with Christ.

Please introduce yourself to the pastor or to other worshipers so we may welcome you warmly. The UCF family is friendly and is always eager to help newcomers find locations and move from one place to another.


Choosing a faith home is a thoughtful process. We encourage you to get to know us at your pace by participating in worship, fellowship, and activities. Formal membership is not required. Staff and congregants will be glad to talk with you informally and answer your questions. We understand your need to consider this decision carefully. We strive to be inviting, but never overbearing.