UCF Music Ministry

Music Ministries at UCF

Music is central to our worship life. UCF has a long and deeply-treasured tradition of enhancing worship through music. There are many opportunities for all to share their gifts through congregational hymn singing, regular or seasonal choir participation, and other vocal and instrumental contributions. Our Music Minister works with the Pastor to coordinate seasonal and thematic offerings that spiritually enrich the service. We also have a number of music-centered services in the course of the worship year. Twice-annually, we partner with the Syracuse University Brass Ensemble (SUBE) to raise funds for our Haiti mission and a local organization; these concerts are important aspect of our outreach and support for others.

The UCF Choir

Kathy Willyard Choir Room, Thursdays, 7:30 pm

The UCF Choir provides musical leadership for Sunday worship, holiday services, and special Lessons and Carols services each year. Instrumentalists from the congregation and community often participate in holiday services, enhancing the contribution of music to our life of worship. The choir celebrates a wide variety of music styles, from traditional to contemporary, and is a strong center of fellowship and friendship for the UCF community. Auditions are not required.

The United Church Handbell Choir

Kathy Willyard Choir Room, Thursdays, 6:30 pm (Paused for Summer)

Ringers play in worship monthly and participate in community programs with a repertoire that includes hymns, carols, classics, and new compositions. They also open our annual December “Brass and Bells” concert, in partnership with the Syracuse University Brass Ensemble, to benefit a mission or service organization. Members use our high-quality (and recently refurbished!) four-octave memorial set of Schulmerich Handbells.

Joyful Sign Choir

Beard Lounge, Thursdays, 5:45 pm (Paused for Summer)

Joyful Sign periodically interprets hymns and anthems for worship using American Sign Language. Their ministry adds movement to the spirituality of worship while recognizing and welcoming the hearing impaired.